WWE Sheamus Lipschitz Sign

Sheamus Lipschitz Sign WWE Wrestler by Bearman Cartoons

WWE Superstar Wrestler known as Sheamus is from Ireland. Β On Monday Night Raw Sheamus revealed that his last name is Lipschitz (click for video), joking that his mom was Irish and his dad Jewish. “We spent our days drinking and fighting but our nights feeling very guilty about it.”

Well considering my last Sheamus sign has gotten some airplay on previous broadcasts, I decided to see if this updated version would show up anywhere. Looks like Sheamus in his typical outstretched arm pose is actually singing instead of yelling. Maybe he is practicing for his bar mitzvah.

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54 Responses to “WWE Sheamus Lipschitz Sign”

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  1. Deb says:

    I remember the scene, and it was great! Thanks for linking the video for my viewing pleasure! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰
    Nice drawing of Sheamus!

  2. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Should you really post a comic about a Jewish wrestler right above a Pig and a frog eating Ham? Just wonderin’.

  3. I thought it was Farrelly. I wonder what kind of angle they are going for with this name change :-/

    I like your photo of him. Nice comparison.

  4. Well, I certainly don’t know who this Lipshitz guy is, nor do I follow wrestling, but your toon caught my eye and made me chuckle!

  5. Comedy Plus says:

    I didn’t know who he was. Okay I don’t follow sports and I rarely watch television. I’m so out of the loop.

    Have a terrific day. πŸ™‚

  6. lisleman says:

    Great quote – maybe he is a comedian too.

  7. Tom Falco says:

    Lipschitz, Cox, Buttz, how do people go around with those names?

  8. jynksie says:

    An Irish Jew, who KNEW! [see what i did there]

  9. George says:

    That’s cool! I hope your sign gets major coverage, even more than your previous one.

  10. Binky says:

    I need to get out lees.

  11. Miss R says:

    Score! Ex-hubby used to go to school (and shul) with a Lipschitz.. talk about hell in school.

    My daughter is half Irish Catholic half Hebe. When she was little I told her she’d be an alcoholic; but at least get her booze wholesale….

    Hope your toon get TONS of views and press. Great job Bearman!

  12. Friggin Loon says:

    I bet he has Gaelic breath!!!!

  13. Tom Falco says:

    I like how the little Jewish stars cover his supple nipples.

  14. Tell Vince to stop being so cheap and hire you for graphics already.

  15. Jande says:

    β€œWe spent our days drinking and fighting but our nights feeling very guilty about it.”

    Hilarious! And so was Rachel’s joke about getting the booze wholesale. :`D

    As far as the likeness goes I can’t tell since I don’t watch TV and pro(ahem)fessional wrestling holds no interest for me. But its a pretty good drawing nevertheless.

  16. I also don’t really know much about wrestling… but this is pretty good!

  17. Tony McGurk says:

    I was initially gunna say that he’s singing the bar mitzvah song, whatever that may be. Then I read your post & you beat me for it. Given his surname I can’t help wonder what that brown stuff around his lips is??? Maybe it’s not facial hair after all…

  18. Mark Stokes says:

    It would be a real Sheamus if this didn’t go viral.

  19. gruhn says:

    I learned something here today. Nice drawing as always!

  20. Androgoth says:

    This is superb Bearman
    but then again all of your
    cartoons are brilliant…

    Have a great weekend my friend πŸ™‚


  21. He is ready to swear. πŸ™‚

  22. Thats great I love it.

  23. Cha says:

    Didn’t know this guy. Thanks for sharing!
    Awesome cartoon by the way.

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