Guess Who 2

Today’s another edition of Guess Who.ย  Not as well known as our first Guess Who celeb but if you watch cable news, she is all over it.

BTW…last post for the week as I am taking the weekend off.

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60 Responses to “Guess Who 2”

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  1. Bo Lumpkin says:

    You’ve got me on this one but I live a sheltered life and don’t watch much news, or lawyers or strippers. I will be back to see if I even know who it is after she is identified by your large band of groupies though.

  2. Corve says:

    It looks like Gloria Allred. But if I didn’t see the lawyer sign I thought it was Hillary Clinton – based on first glance.

  3. susispice says:

    hmmmm i can picture her face but i cant remember her name… is this to do with Tito and Jenna??
    she messed up her face with all that plastic surgery.

  4. susispice says:

    hey dunboass buddy ol pal, did you know that lately all your comment links are linking back to your old wordpress blog? FYI!


    • Bearman says:

      I am trying to make it so you can’t find me. When you going to figure out he avatar thing like everyone else except the spam bots?

      • susispice says:

        Excuse, Sir Dunbo please explain your sentence ‘…to figure out he avatar thing like everyone else except the spam bots?’

        dude ive tried, i dont know what im doing wrong. I select the Bratz doll that I am, the press check this and it doesnt do anything. i get no email, i get nothin! nada!

  5. Tracy Brady says:

    A stripper AND a lawyer. Win!

  6. Bo Lumpkin says:

    This must be a tough one. Even your groupies are not sure who it is.

  7. MidwestMom says:

    I’m probably wrong but the only one that comes to mind is Nancy Grace

  8. I was going to guess Gloria Allred, too. Or else Martha Stewart’s relatively unknown cousin Debora the dancing defense attorney. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Sheila Deeth says:

    I’m guessing I’m out of touch. Will come back to see the answer.

  10. Tony says:

    Juanita Gonzalez???

  11. Tony says:

    Princess Diana, before she met an untimely ending???

  12. Tony says:

    Whitney Houston???

  13. Tony says:

    Martha McGurk, my Grandmother, in her younger days???

  14. Tony says:

    That woman who I saw at the post office the other day who was ahead of me in the queue maybe???

  15. Tony says:

    One of those Olsen girls in a few years time???

  16. Tony says:

    She does actually look a lot like the lady at the corner shop near where I work, could it be her perhaps but she’s not a lawyer as were none of my other guesses either, but hey they did get me to the top of the most comments list

  17. Don Mills says:

    Manfred Mann?

  18. Friggin Loon says:

    I thought she was bad until I saw her friggin daughter on the Insider. Ooooh Gloria, I didn’t mean it…Bearman forced me to say it, after he tied me up and smacked me around and told me the love child was Tiger’s. Help me Gloria, help meeeeeeeeeeeee

  19. Nate Fakes says:

    I’m guessing a classy picture of Sarah Palin without her glasses? Except, there’s no shot wolves around her though….hmmmmm

  20. nursemyra says:

    I had no idea who this woman was ๐Ÿ™

    Enjoy your weekend off bearman

  21. lynn says:

    gloria allred

  22. lynn says:

    crap, i just saw corve’s comment. i really should read the comments first. i dont usually because i dont want anyone to sway my thoughts on a particular post. i’ll admit sometimes i’m waay off base but screw it, it’s MY comment right? anyway, where do i go to pick up my prize? –there is a prize right? ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. jill says:

    Sorry…I wouldn’t have guessed this one! But, once I saw Corve’s answer, I definitely see the resemblance! Have a great weekend!

  24. FJ says:

    Ben Roethlisberger perhaps??

  25. George says:

    Cable? The only cable I can get my hands on is…never mind.

    I don’t know who the lady is right off the bat, but I’m sure you nailed her pretty good.

    Hunh. Why is everything I’m writing today sound sensuous? I’m goin’ back to bed.

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