Retro Cartoon: Art?

Quick post today of a toon I did back in 2007. The premise was some publically funded art done in Cincinnati that looked like sea sponges. There was a big todo about spending public money on it. Thus came this editorial cartoon.

1 23 07 Public Art copy

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No Responses to “Retro Cartoon: Art?”

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  1. John K says:

    There is actually a big fight over public art here in Detroit right now, so while it is retro to you, it is topical for us.

  2. fkdupdad says:

    That is funny!

  3. bschooled says:

    Ha ha! This kills me…

  4. Danica says:

    So true.

  5. Nate Fakes says:

    Public art is a huge debate here in Florida. There was an artist that stacked up old, beaten up cars and called it “art” so they put it smack dab in the middle of the city. Looked like a junk yard, but no – it was ART! I was going to one-up the artist and stack a pile of Chee-to’s and then burn it, and call it Chee-toast.

  6. yorksnbeans says:

    Good one Bear!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. George says:

    There was a big whoop-dee-doo around here about whether a diorama of five white origami birds burning a black origami bird in the center was art or racism. The artist rationalized that the project was a representation of good burning evil and demolishing it.

    I actually saw the diorama and while I didn’t agree with the artist’s assessment or intentions, I had to give her the beneift of the doubt and still call it art. Not MY idea of art, but I considered it art nonetheless.

  8. G says:

    Semi-controversial art.

    Whoops, thought I had something more to say.

    Excuse me.

  9. spilledinkguy says:

    I made a swirly “drawring” just like that once … (and by once I mean closer to 20 days ago than 20 years ago). I ‘m fairly certain that it’s still taped to my parents’ refrigerator.

  10. LOL. I feel the same way about art that they put up around my town. There is a lot of things that I couldn’t do but some of this stuff is just so simple. It is like two pieces of metal slapped together.

  11. it looks like a very large and fancy ice cream cone.

  12. nursemyra says:

    We’ve got some pretty shitty art here in sydney too

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