Posemaniacs: Great Source for Drawing Poses

Some of us who were NOT art or illustrator majors in college (and it shows) have a hard time picturing certain body poses in our heads.  Never had a wood drawing dummy (well unless you consider some of my exes) I tend to spend alot of time making faces in the mirror (and not just because it is fun).

Well the other day I found a great site called Posemaniacs.  They have several hundred different body poses that are created in flash allowing you a 360 degree view of the pose.  Here is an example of just one pose (tried to load their actual working widget but wouldn’t work)

Posemaniac Figure Drawing

Posemaniacs Figure Drawing

Haven’t actually used it as a source for my stuff.  But you can bet when I do another crowd scene with people running in all different directions, I’ll be heading back over for some help. 


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No Responses to “Posemaniacs: Great Source for Drawing Poses”

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  1. George says:

    This is cool. I never had a wooden dummy either, and I would piune for something that help me capture poses. Good find, Bearman!

  2. From Urban Dictionary:
    The fresh peak when you first open a jar of either margarine, ice cream ,peanut butter, cheese wiz, mayonaise, or anything else pyunable.

  3. fnord says:

    I’ve bought books, found websites (none quite as cool as this one!) and was sure with all these aids I would be able to draw. Those with talent sure make it look easy. 🙂

  4. cbabin says:

    Bearman you are the man (Bear?) I’ve been looking for something like this for awhile now. Thanks for posting it dude!

  5. Sheila Deeth says:

    Cool! I love drawing, and this will be a good resource.

  6. John K says:

    wow, this is amazing!! cant wait to really get into it.

  7. Lynn says:

    Hail to the king of useful and useless junk! We are not worthy.

  8. Lynn says:

    you sir, need no crown. besides they are way overrated (i wear one daily). 🙂

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