Editorial Cartoon: TSA Pat Downs

Editorial Cartoon: TSA Pat Down

I have noticed over the last week a sudden uptick in visitors looking at my previous Body Scanner cartoon.  So I thought I would delight them with what turned out to be one of my own personal favorites.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the creepy old guy depicted, he is Herbert, the creepy old guy from the Family Guy cartoon.  I was going to have him say something about excusing his shaky hand but thought this was better.

And of course, I had to jump on the bandwagon with my own “Don’t Touch My Junk” shirt.

Don't Touch My Junk T-shirt

Plus right now is a good time to buy this as you save $10 on orders of $50+ in my shop during the CafePress Friends & Family Sale November 20-23.  So shop our store, wacksack.com and use code: Friend10.


Now since our friend Brit is out there with a contest trying to get followers by offering cookies, I thought I would try my own.  The first person to buy the “Don’t Touch My Junk” t-shirt and gets video of themselves going through airport security wearing it will win a $50 Cafepress Gift Certificate that you can use on my store or any other Cafepress store.  (Update: So the wife had a point that it might be against airport regulations to take pictures at security so as not to get anyone in trouble I’m switching things up.  If I get at least 5 people to buy the shirt and send me a picture of them wearing it in a funny situation, I’ll have my readers pick their favorite and that person will win a $50 Cafepress Gift Certificate.)

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73 Responses to “Editorial Cartoon: TSA Pat Downs”

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  1. lynn says:

    OMG! this is so right on b-man. i was one of those scanner-gawkers you mentioned and yes, today i’m delighted! you sure know how to amuse me. the “Don’t touch my junk” shirt is great!

  2. lynn says:

    i ordered mine!

  3. Walker says:

    Think I’ll skip the shirt, but love the cartoon. He is a positively wonderful addition to Family Guy and a great fit for this. I’d be walking the other way if he was my TSA guy, but on the other hand I’m not his type!!

  4. That’s a cool idea.
    Lol, on the cartoon

  5. Dr. Cynicism says:

    Hahaha! Love that character. If only you could portray the whistle voice 🙂

  6. DadaHyena says:

    The contest needs to include popsicles…it just seems “in character”.

    “…you get your fat ass back here.”

  7. Tony says:

    I’m next, I’m next!!! Pick me, Pick me!!!

  8. nursemyra says:

    I love his solitary tooth

  9. SpilledInkGuy says:

    I would imagine crossing out ‘don’t’ and heading for security might also create an interesting situation. 🙂

  10. As M.C. Hammer once said, “You can’t touch this!” So I guess I won’t be flying for a while unless the TSA will allowed me to be patted down by a hottie.

  11. Dan says:

    Pretty soon the uniform for the TSA guys will be a trench coat . . . and nothing else.

  12. Tracy Ingram says:

    OMG! Too funny. You probably could get a lot more people on board if they saw this. I just had the most disturbing image in my head.

  13. lisleman says:

    like it
    It got me thinking (dangerous thing) that even though it would be a slower process maybe the TSA should offer a massage option. A nice 3 minute head-to-toe massage before your flight. Relaxed passengers would increase safety. Maybe I should write to them.

  14. jynksie says:

    Okay, now this one is pure comedy gold! I saw that and nearly lost my coffee out my nose! …you may also want to have an alternative choice for those T-Shirts that removes the word “Don’t”. Thats the kind of shirt I’d buy! *smirk*

  15. MJ says:

    This is outrageously hilarious! Excellent material!

  16. Nate Fakes says:

    So true, so creepy and so funny at the same time.

  17. George says:

    At least Herbert is kind enough to break out the lotion first. 🙂

  18. Friggin Loon says:

    Oh for goodness sakes Bearman that tee ain’t no fun. Have you got one that says “Start here” ?

  19. jammer5 says:

    Ain’t nobody touched my junk in so long, I went back for seconds 🙂

  20. Binky says:

    If he’s the new poster boy for the airlines, it’s no wonder they’re in trouble.

  21. I love that creepy old pervert and the t-shirt idea was brilliant. You should make a killing with this one!

    I might need you to draw me a zombie…

  22. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Cartoonists are gettin’ a lotta mileage over the TSA. Do you political cartoonists ever write thank you notes to the government for providin’ you so much material.

  23. bschooled says:

    OMG, this is exactly what happened to me while flying out on Saturday night, only I didn’t even refuse the scanner.

    (I just hope he calls!)

  24. Dan Long says:

    Yep, I wouldn’t be surprised if Family Guy blatantly steals this.

  25. I would allow this man to pleasure himself to my body scan. I have respect for my elders.

  26. susi spice says:

    bahahahahaaha that is so funny i love this old man from family guy hhahaa “get ur fat ass back here” hehe good one.

    i am not looking forward to going through those scanners when im next in the US… maybe ill just sneak over the border??

  27. Duncanr says:

    Hey, Bearman – your famous !!!

    Did a google search on ‘pat downs’ for a post on Madhatters, and guess what google returned on it’s 1st page of search results ? 😆


  28. Jillsy Girl says:

    Not that I don’t get this, but I have a feeling if I knew this creepy character, it would be so much funnier!


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Steven, OutLoudLaughing. OutLoudLaughing said: Editorial Cartoon: TSA Pat Downs: I have noticed over the last week a sudden uptick in visitors looking at my pr… http://bit.ly/92ciHH […]

  2. […] changes have provided inspiration for everything from cartoons about body scanners and pat-downs to “Don’t Touch my Junk” T-shirts.  The same scanner images appear everywhere, […]

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