Happy Anniversary

So September 20, 2008 was my first post here.  Of course, I forgot!

Which reminds me, I think I need to team up with Bschooled and get out our collection of Belated Cards for every Occassion.  (My Belated Mother’s Day card)

Anyway, when I started this, it was just a depository for some of my cartoons.  And even though I get excited when I have a record breaking day for hits, I get more jazzed about all the comments.  Thanks to all for all your support the past year.  And for you lurkers…start talking.

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  1. Donald Mills says:

    Congrats Bearman but I caution against getting “jazzed.” It’s immoral, unseemly and potential hazardous to your health.

  2. nursemyra says:

    haha…. I remember that card

  3. spilledinkguy says:

    Congrats Mr. B! Oh, and … I like the way you talk … ummmmm hmm (to be said sling blade style)! 🙂

  4. John K says:

    Congrats sir!!!

  5. bschooled says:

    Happy blogoversayr Bearman!

    So…does this mean we’re going to finally get this collaboration on the road? You can be in charge of Mothers Day, Hannukah, Labour Day and Valentines, and I’ll take Lent, Ramadan, cinco de mayo and Talk like a pirate day…

    These are going to kill in Cannes!

  6. Nate Fakes says:

    Congrats. Do you forget YOUR birthday by about a week commonly as well?

  7. I’d take any chance that you can get to work with Bschooled. That woman is talent personified. As are you. I can’t wait to see what you two come up with together. Happy Anniversary!!

    • Thanks…weren’t you supposed to be the marketer of these things?

      • Indeed I am. That’s exactly why I can’t wait to see your talents combined in a stylistic and profitable way! I may start the campaign with a comedic viral which hopefully will still express the depth of emotions one can expect to experience with these unique and special (in a non-retarded way) cards. I’ll send you both the premise and concept as soon as I see an example or two. I have a basic idea that will blow your doors off. I hope.

  8. frigginloon says:

    Happy friggin birthday Bearman. How big was your butt when you started? Nice depository huh? 🙂

  9. jammer5 says:

    Happy b-day on the site, dude. Damn good thing you ain’t married to yourself: would you make yourself sleep on the couch for forgetting the anniversary?

  10. yorksnbeans says:

    Congrats Bear! I’ll be celebrating a milestone this coming week as well. Keep up the great posts!

  11. Sheila Deeth says:

    Bearman is so great because
    He’s still posting a whole year later.
    And if the Mother’s Day card missed the post
    That’s okay; it was internet posted.
    We all saw it there.
    So I’m sure that I know Bearman’s Mum thinks he’s great,
    And remembers from long days of yore,
    The very small bare man that Bearman once was
    before posting.

    Hmm. Well, it is a difficult prompt, but I thought I ought to try.

  12. George says:

    Happy Anniversary, Bearman! The internet is a better place with you in it. Thanks for being a part of our lives and thank you for including us in yours. Cheers! 😀

  13. MidwestMom says:

    Happy Anniversary… Thank you for bringing humor to the world 🙂

  14. Happy Anniversary! Mine was like Sept 6th or something and I missed it too. Or maybe it was in august. I’ll have to go back and look now.

    But that’s okay. I’m still happy I found you and that you never cease to entertain me.

  15. YAY congratulations!

    i know when you refer to commentors you are mainly referring to me, so i’m sorry for letting you down these past few weeks.

    you rock!

  16. Что касается самой темы, то мне кажется что ее актаульность будет выяснена только через какое-то время.

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